British Columbia
Following in Ontario’s footsteps, British Colombia now requires employers to provide employees with up to three paid sick days where they stay home for the following reasons:
- Diagnosed with COVID-19
- Waiting for COVID-19 test results
- Need to self-isolate or self-monitor
- Following a public health order
- Directed to stay home by the employer because of exposure risks
To take a COVID-19 sick day, a doctor's note is not required.
These paid sick days are retroactive to May 20, 2021 and will last until the end of the year.
If the employer does not already have an extensive sick day program in place, it will be eligible to receive reimbursement through WorkSafe BC of up to $200 per day. It’s important to note however, that employees must be paid their regular day’s wage for their day off.
Details on how to get reimbursed will become available mid-June.
As a reminder, BC employers must also provide employees up to three hours of paid time off to get vaccinated. This is retroactive to April 19, 2021.
Nova Scotia
On the other side of Canada, Nova Scotia will require employers to provide for four paid sick days for COVID-19 related absences.
Employees who can’t work remotely and miss less than 50% of their scheduled work time in a 1-week period because of COVID-19 may be eligible.
This includes people who need to take time off because they’re:
- waiting to get a COVID-19 lab test
- getting a COVID-19 lab test
- self-isolating while waiting for test results
- getting vaccinated
For eligible employers, this program provides for reimbursement and will last from May 10, 2021 to July 31, 2021. Further details on eligibility and reimbursement can be found here.
Prince Edward Island
Staying east, PEI has also implemented a similar program to Nova Scotia’s.
PEI’s program will reimburse employers and/or a self-employed person without a paid sick leave program for sick time of an employee/person who missed less than 50% of scheduled time in a one-week period:
- To attend a COVID-19 vaccination appointment
- Due to illness
- Due to COVID-19 testing, and/or
- Due to the need to self-isolate
Employer/self-employed people may apply to the program for a maximum of 3 days per week on up to 2 separate occasions to a maximum of 6 days for loss of wages that are less than 50% of scheduled time in a one-week period.
This program is available retroactive to March 1, 2021 and will last until the province lifts its Public Health Emergency. Further details on eligibility and reimbursement can be found here.
If you have any questions regarding the applicability of these programs to your workplace, please contact e2r™ to speak with an Advisor.