Category Archives: e2r Alerts

COVID-19 Leave – Attention Ontario Employers!

Ontario has introduced Bill 186, the Employment Standards Amendment Act (Infectious Disease Emergencies), 2020, which amends the leaves of absence provisions of the Employment Standards Act, 2000. The new Bill creates a new leave called Emergency Leave: Declared Emergencies and Infectious Disease Emergencies. The leave that is particularly relevant for COVID-19 purposes is the second […]

Summary of Current Primary Government Employee Support Programs

EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – TEMPORARY LAYOFF Employees are eligible for regular EI Most typically a minimum of 700 insurable hours required Employer to provide a ROE 1 week waiting period 55% of weekly earnings up to a maximum of $573 per week EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – TEMPORARY LAYOFF – EMPLOYER TOP UP Employer top up payments are […]

Attention Alberta Employers! COVID-19 Update for March 20, 2020

The Alberta government has announced that financial relief will be available for certain workers who are unable to work due to self-isolation. The government will provide eligible recipients with $573 per week for a maximum of two (2) weeks to bridge the gap until the newly announced federal Emergency Care Benefit takes effect in April […]

Alberta Provides COVID-19 Job-Protected Leave

In addition to some corporate tax changes and utility payment deferrals meant to help employers, Alberta has amended its Employment Standards Code to provide employees with a job protected leave related to COVID-19. In particular, full-time and part-time employees will be entitled to 14 days of job protected leave if they are: Required to self-isolate […]

School’s Out!

Now that the schools in Ontario are closed post March Break for two weeks  and the likelihood other provinces will adopt a similar approach, employers need to be prepared for innumerable requests from parents to work remotely, reduce working hours, or miss work altogether to permit them to undertake their parenting obligations. Apart from the […]

Is a Final Release Enough? Federally Regulated Employers and Unjust Dismissal Claims

February 27, 2020 Federally regulated employees (non-managers) who have completed 12 months of service and are terminated in the absence of just cause, may be eligible to file an unjust dismissal complaint under section 240 of the Canada Labour Code (“CLC”). In the event the appointed adjudicator finds the dismissal to be unjust, the adjudicator […]

Employee awarded $75,000 for failed investigation

A recent decision from Manitoba’s Human Rights Commission serves as a reminder to employers of the importance of conducting an investigation into an allegation of workplace harassment in a timely manner and ensuring the investigation is conducted properly. In T.M. v. Manitoba (Justice), the employee alleged that he was consistently and repeatedly subjected to vulgar […]

How a Teacher’s Strike May Affect Your Workplace

January 23, 2020 The ongoing conflict between the Ontario Government and the union representing Ontario elementary school teachers has resulted in rotating strikes, leaving parents uncertain about how they will meet their childcare responsibilities. The current circumstances raise the question: what is an employer’s obligation to employees whose children cannot attend school due to a […]

Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies Scope of Health and Safety Inspections

January 9, 2020 In its last decision of 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada considered the scope of an employer’s obligation to inspect its workplace in Canada Post Corp. v. Canadian Union of Postal Workers. In 2012, the Union filed a complaint with HRSDC claiming that Canada Post was in breach of the Canada Labour […]

Assumptions Can Get Employers Into Trouble!

December 19, 2019 A recent decision highlights the risks associated with assuming an employee has resigned when they refuse to return to work. In Nagpal v IBM Canada Ltd., Vinay Nagpal, an employee with over 23 years of service, went on a stress related medical leave in 2013. The Company referred Nagpal to Manulife, the […]

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