e2r Alert

Human Rights Law at Work: A Primer and Emerging Issues

Date Delivered: October 27, 2016

Topic: Human Rights Law at Work: A Primer and Emerging Issues

Over the last few years we have seen a significant increase in the number of human rights complaints filed by employees, former employees and even candidates! Given the likelihood of a human rights complaint landing on your desk is greater today than it was 5 years ago, we want to empower our clients with a better understanding of the legislation, the process and some of the latest trends.

In this e-Learning session, in addition to providing a primer on human rights at work, we do a ‘deep dive’ into two of the hottest topics in human rights law today: family status and gender identity. We also discuss a new possible ground of discrimination – genetic testing.

A copy of the presentation and recording can be found on your member portal.

If you have any questions, please contact our Continuing Education Coordinator at 416-867-1546 or via email at [email protected].