Back in June the Ontario government extended the deemed Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (“IDEL”) to September 25th, 2021 - it has now been extended once again and will end on January 1st, 2022 (if not extended again).
As a reminder, deemed IDEL applies to the following:
- A non-unionized employee whose employer has temporarily reduced or temporarily eliminated their hours of work for reasons related to COVID-19 is deemed to be on a job-protected unpaid infectious disease emergency leave;
- A non-unionized employee is not considered to be laid off if their employer temporarily reduces or temporarily eliminates their hours of work or wages for reasons related to COVID-19;
- A non-unionized employee is not considered to be constructively dismissed under the ESA if their employer temporarily reduces or temporarily eliminates their hours of work or wages for reasons related to COVID-19.
For further information on the deemed IDEL please see our previous Alerts! here and here.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to reach out to speak with an e2r™ Advisor.